[現貨] GODHAND GH-LDP-140-F 扁頭鉗

貨號: 4562349871513 分類: , , , 標籤:


Great combination of flat-nose plier and needle-nose plier for a firm grip!
Capable of holding firm over large surfaces, ideal for assembly work of precision instruments.

・The tip portion has a twill-groove processing, giving a firm grip and preventing marks left by the pliers.
・The wide blade surface allows for a firm grip without wobbly.
・Perfect for bending parts of precision instruments such as resistors and detailed customization of plastic models.

Equipped with spring-loaded lock function (PAT.)

Press the button down on the backside of the pliers, lift the spring part, and lock the pliers open and closed.
*Please be sure to hold the button down when moving the spring.


[現貨] GODHAND GH-LDP-140-F 扁頭鉗


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