[現貨] GODHAND GH-KPN-95 兒童薄刃剪鉗EX

貨號: 4562349871414 分類: , , , 標籤:


Kids will love plastic model building!

Extra single-blade nipper designed for kids!

Easy to use and safe for kids.
The nipper is small but has a smooth cutting edge that makes cutting out parts fun.
Small shape for easy holding in small hands and has an openable cutting edge.
Safety-conscious cutting-edge shape with the tip cut off.
Please try Kids Nipper EX, which GodHand has earnestly considered.

Short grip for easy holding
Thick grip for easy use
Non-phthalic acid-made grip reduces health hazards in case of accidental ingestion.
Single-edged blade structure for sharpness and durability. Possible to use it in the same way as Ultimate Nipper and Blade One Nipper
The sharpness of the blade prevents parts from flying away. Safe to work on a kid’s desk.
Cutting off the blade tip prevents injury even if accidentally touched.
The modified blade tip may reduce parts damage even if messily cutting the gates.
Nipper cap with snap fast for safe storage.


[現貨] GODHAND GH-KPN-95 兒童薄刃剪鉗EX


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