[現貨] GODHAND GH-NY4 打磨砂布套裝

貨號: 4562349873401 分類: , , , 標籤:


It is made of very flexible material, so it fits in any kinds of curved surface and hard to be wrinkled.
Cutting ability lasts longer than sanding paper.
Sharpness of sanding material and cutting ability last long, so you can sand softly and can use longer than sanding paper.
You can use it for water sanding as if water resistance sanding paper.
It is made of extreme thin cloth, so you can cut it with utility knife easily. The cloth is flat woven-fabric, so you can cut it lengthwise and crosswise as you want to easily and no waste.

Grades: #240 x 1pc, #400 x 1pc, #600 x 1pc, #800 x 1pc


[現貨] GODHAND GH-NY4 打磨砂布套裝


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